This Reishi Mushroom Grow Kit is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to grow Reishi at home…
Simply inject one of the 2-Pound grow bag (or both) with the Reishi Mushroom Liquid Culture syringe that comes inside your grow kit…
Then sit back and wait as your mushrooms start to grow…
The premium Reishi syringe can inject up to 10 total Wood Loving All-In-One Grow Bags (Shroom Bombs)…
That means that after you inject the bags that come with you kit you could order some more bags and inject them with the remainder of your spore syringe…
There are countless studies conduected on the health benefit of Reishi mushroom…
Many of our members report to us the how this mushrooms elevates their mood and makes them emotionally balanced…
This mushroom has really cool nicknames like, Nature Xanax, Liquid Yoga (when drank as a tea), Spirit Plant and more…
Check out all the amazing health benefits this mushrooms has in our blog article about Reishi Mushrooms Health Benefits.